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2022-06-25 23:52:19  中宇五金网


职称英语考试完形填空题技巧(三) 2011年12月10日 来源: (三)动词。在各类水平考试的完形填空中,动词不失为一个重要测试指标,动词是实义词中语法信息载量最大的一类。在测试内容上,除了与语法结构相对应的时态、语态、语气和非谓语形式外,还包括完形填空特有的与上下文语义密切相关的动词意义的选择和近义动词的辨别等。如:Last June my brother 1 a car.He had had an old Scooter before,but it—2—severaIIimes durm the spring.“What you want is a$econd—hand Mini,’’I suggested.“If you give me me money,”he said,“3one tomorrow.…‘I cant give you the money.”I replied,“but what about Aunt Myra.She must have enough.We 4her since Christmas but she always hints that we—5—go and see her more often.”We told our parents where we were going.They weren 1 happy about i’t and asked us not to go.So6.But 1ater that same day something strange—7—.A doctor—8—us that Aunt Myra—9—into hospital for an operation“ 10go and see her,”said my mother.“You two go today,but dont mention themoney.”When we—11Aunt Myra—12—“Iin not seriously ill'”she said,“but the doctor insists thaI—13 t0 driVe my cal".Y叫can have it if you promise—14—me t0 the seaside now and again.”We—15—.1.A.wanted to buyB.wanted buyingC.1iked t0 buyD.1iked buying2.A.was breaking downB.was breaking upC.had broken downD.had broken up3.A.I getB.I,m gettingC.I am getD.11l get4.A.aye not seeingB.havent seenC.didnt seeD.dont see5.A.shouldB.shallC.wonldD.wiU6.A.that we havenlB.that we didntC.we havenID.we didnt7.A.occurredB.took the placeC.passedD.was there8.A.rang for tellingB.rang to tellC.rung for tellingD.rung t0 teU9.A.had goneB.had beenC.has goneD.has been10.A.We may not allB.We cant allC.All we cantD.A11 we may not11.A.have come thereB.were arrivingC.got thereD.came to there12.A.was seeming quite happilyB.Was seeming quite happyC.seemed quite happilyD.seemed quite happy13.A.I,m getting so oldB.I,m getting too oldC.I get so 0ldD.I get too old14.A.takingB.bringingC.to takeD.t0 bring15.A.didnt agreeB.agreedC.didnt agree itD.agreed it(参考答案:1.A,2.c,3.D,4.B,5.A,6.D,7.A,8.B,9.A,10.B,11.C,12.D,13.D,14.C,15.B。)







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